Maker's Series Alex Maker's Series Alex

Makers Series: MEEMA

MEEMA, maker of some of our favorite kitchen goods, was one of the select brands that we launched with in 2020. And for good reason. They take discarded denim and cotton and turn it into beautiful towels, aprons, napkins and other kitchen textiles. They live where recycling meets impeccable design meets durability. What a wonderful, and rare, place to be.

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Maker's Series Abby Maker's Series Abby

Makers Series: Wiley Body

You know that feeling when you finally find the perfect skincare product for yourself? After hours of lost time and hundreds of dollars down the drain? That’s how I felt when I came across Wiley Body. As someone with many skin allergies and sensitivities, I know the value of truly clean skincare. And because I found the company at a time when Alex and I were talking about building our family, Vanessa’s inspiration for starting the company spoke to me.

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Maker's Series, Kiddos Abby Maker's Series, Kiddos Abby

Makers Series: Squid Socks

After visiting family on their honeymoon and watching their frustrated cousin deal with his baby’s socks consistently falling off, Gabe and Jessica started thinking through different ways they could address the issue. “At the time, we didn’t yet have children of our own so we started our research, asking friends, family, neighbors, and acquaintances if this was a need not yet addressed in the market,” Jessica explains. “We were surprised how many people gave us a very enthusiastic yes!”

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Maker's Series Abby Maker's Series Abby

Makers Series: Pantry Products

For our 3rd episode, we spoke with Michelle from Pantry Products, a natural skin and body care company in Reno, NV that strives to create products that make their customers and the planet happy. Their line of small-batch wellness essentials is 100% natural and the team provides wellness education to health-conscious consumers.

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Maker's Series Abby Maker's Series Abby

Makers Series: Abdah Emporium

For this 2nd episode, we sat down with Abdah Emporium, a skincare company in Grand Rapids, MI. Led by Naseerah Hutcherson, her soaps and scrubs are produced entirely by hand, and the look and smell are amazing. We were intrigued to hear about how she started her business and are impressed by the level of detail and expertise that go into her craft.

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