Maker's Series Alex Maker's Series Alex

Makers Series: Butter + Lye

Butter + Lye’s skincare products are some of the best sellers in our store—and for good reason! Monique is a biochemist who took her knowledge of chemistry and fused it with her desire to make all-natural products that promote healthy skin.

Abby and I found her entrepreneurial spirit especially contagious, and that combined with her focus on producing incredible products makes us especially excited for the future of Butter + Lye.

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Holidays, Tips and Advice Alex Holidays, Tips and Advice Alex

The 5 Best Gifts for Moms Who Say They Don’t Want Anything

So even if a mom says she doesn’t want anything, every mom loves to be appreciated for the sacrifice she gave in raising us… the majority of which time we were either totally incompetent creatures, raging brats, insolent teenagers, or money-sapping young adults. For this reason, when Mother’s Day comes around (it’s on May 9th this year) and we ask her, “what can we get you?,” it’s undoubtedly important not to listen to her advice when she responds, “I don’t want anything—save your money.”

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