Navigating the Amazon dilemma: A small business guide to intentional shopping
As small business owners, we aspire to move away from Amazon and support local shops to strengthen our communities, which is vital for businesses like Willinglee. However, completely avoiding Amazon isn't always feasible, especially for those facing financial challenges. As a busy parent, I often wish I could shop locally but find Amazon's convenience hard to resist, particularly during urgent situations, like when my daughter needs medicine. While I support initiatives to promote local shopping, I recognize that there are times when Amazon's ease is necessary… let’s dive in.
Gifting When You’re a Minimalist
Minimalism first caught my interest when I was in my early twenties—I had graduated college, moved from Chicago to Austin with my then-boyfriend (who dumped me a month after moving in with him), and I was making about $23K a year as a preschool teacher…