Best Gifts to Motivate Employees: Spring 2022 Edition

Whether it was your after-school gig or the corporate job you thought you wanted and later regretted, we’ve all been there: the thankless position. It’s almost a right of passage to hold a thankless job, but no one wants one. They’re the worst. You work your butt off not just for the paycheck every two weeks, but to feel loved, appreciated, and even admired. We all like to feel like we have a purpose when we wake up in the morning.

Especially throughout the last two years, with remote work and fatigue increasing, it’s more important than ever to show your employees some love. According to Indeed, “67% of all workers believe burnout has worsened over the course of the pandemic.” The WHO estimates that burnout leads to over 625 million people suffering from depression and anxiety, which can only cause frustration and poor performance at work.

But never fear! A little love goes a long way. Ensure your employees and direct reports feel taken care of by gifting them something from the heart. These four suggestions are our personal take on what we’ve cherished most from our own bosses during our professional years at intense jobs.

Your Time

The best gift of all: that which cannot be replaced—time. Whether that means hearing your employee out when she tells you for the hundredth time she has a great idea for next month’s sales goals or mentoring the new hire who seems a little lost, time is the most valuable commodity and everyone knows it. If you’re willing to give some of your precious time to listen, coach, or collaborate with your team, they’ll appreciate it and remember it.

Add in performance reviews more regularly. Hold a weekly or monthly 1:1. Better yet, take your team out for an outing or retreat. Giving your time shows your teammates that you care personally about them and are there for them.


Trust is another valuable resource. Forbes explains it best.

“By giving employees freedom and control over their actions, today’s do-it-differently employers are blowing up the traditional workweek grind to build their brands and boost employee engagement and productivity. These freewheeling, free-to-be-you-and-me practices shatter the “work smarter, not harder” paradigm — because, as it turns out, those who have the freedom to work smarter... actually want to work harder.

Forget about time tracking. Forget about office hours — or even set work hours. Shift the priority to flexible schedules. Personalized job crafting. Family time. Working toward happiness. When employers loosen the vise of control they actually get more from their teams. Let that sink in for a minute. Less control = more value.

It’s all about autonomy and empowering employees to have control over their work and their lives. Autonomy is the umbrella for choice, independence, solitude, and empowerment. Autonomy is also a key driver of happiness in the workplace.”

A Personalized Gift Box Just for Them

Time and autonomy may be critical to motivating your team, but a gift to show them your appreciation may be the personal touch needed to really show that you care. Not that we’re biased or anything 😉, but a gift box filled with intentional, thoughtful, personalized products made by small businesses is a win-win-win. All of our gifts are sustainably boxed and wrapped with hand-painted paper. Plus, we give 1% of sales back to our community. We’ve selected these curated boxes below especially for working professionals.

Wind Down Wind Down Wind Down
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Our Relax & Reset box is prefect for those at your company who consistently work hard, help others, and never give themselves the rest and relaxation they deserve. Containing a massage candle, 2 bath bombs, Peace of Mind Tea, and a pretty air plant, your employee will feel hugged and seen.

Since publishing this blog post, Relax & Reset has sold out. Shop similar boxes here.


This Springtime box is especially perfect for this time of year. Gift this to your direct reports with a note that urges them to spend more time outside with little blooms, fresh air, and the warm sun on their back.

Since publishing this blog post, Springtime has sold out. Shop similar boxes here.


Our Right Side of the Bed Box is great for both morning people (an extra thing to be happy about in the AM) and not-so-morning people (give them something to look forward to!). One of the toughest parts of the workday is getting to our desks on time, so give a nod to your teammates’ efforts with this wake-up call.

Since publishing this blog post, Right Side of the Bed has sold out. Shop similar boxes here.


We all know the work professionals who are obsessed with their furry friend—and who would blame them!? Show your direct report you care about them and understand they have a life away from the office by gifting them this box full of goodies for pooch. Shop this box →


A fun gift for any employee, the Happy Hour box shows you’ve noticed their hard work and believe they deserve to toast themselves! With natural cocktail syrup and a matching cocktail recipe guide, they’ll really be able to enjoy their time off knowing their efforts have been noticed.

Since publishing this gift box, Happy Hour has sold out. Shop similar boxes here.

…But if none of these curated boxes jump out at you as personalized enough for your team, build your own gift box from hundreds of great, honestly-made, small biz products.


Thoughtful Gift Cards

Hear us out. You can’t just give an Amazon or Walmart gift card willy-nilly. (Then again, you should probably never gift an Amazon or Walmart card, but that’s a topic for another day.) I’ve had jobs that led me to burnout, only for my boss to turn around and hand me a gift card to my favorite local sushi restaurant. This gesture is like a magic wand washing away bad feelings and replacing them with feelings of appreciation and recognition.

Has your direct report told you about their favorite restaurant? Use $100 of your team’s budget toward rewarding them. If they practice any hobbies outside of work, consider gifting them an Airbnb Experience, a local cooking class, or funds toward books at a local bookstore for their monthly book club. If you know they like to be pampered, a massage or a pedicure could be your ticket to happier employees.

And don’t forget to add a caring note to go along with your offering.

No matter how you celebrate your employees, the important thing is that you show you care. How else might you reward your teammates and direct reports? Has a manager ever made you feel absolutely special? Let us know in the comments below.


Makers Series: Hearth & Hammer


Makers Series: The Ugly Company